Space sector contribution to RoHS Evaluation
The space sector, organised in the the context of the Materials and Processes technology Board (with ESA, national agencies and the private sector), has prepared a contribution to the Public Consultation on RoHS Evaluation organised by the European Union.
The contribution recalls the importance of existing exclusions from the RoHS scope in Article 2 of the Directive covering the Space Sector, especially with regard to metallic lead. The need for a coherent application of RoHS and the general Union waste management legislation such as Directive 2008/98/EC, as well as REACH, including the need to take into account the Space-specific end-of-life scenarios for launched hardware, is also stressed. Therefore, the Space Sector has been advocating a similar exemption from the forthcoming notification requirement under the revised Directive 2008/98/EC (see Eurospace news alert of 9 September 2019).
You can download the Eurospace position paper.RoHS-Contribution_Eurospace_27112019Signed